PortfolioThomas Scholten
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Research focus
Key issue of the soil science group is a process-based understanding of soil formation and landscape development and how these processes are influenced by natural and human factors. Our research activities focus on soil-landscape modelling, digital soil mapping and soil erosion. We use macro- to micro-environmental analyses of soils and sediments to quantify soil and site properties at different temporal and spatial scales. Our vision is to integrate results from field observations, laboratory and modeling to gain a better understanding of the processes and mechanisms that affect our soils and their interrelationship with global change.
We have a unique and rich methodological ensemble for research and teaching in Soil Science, Geoecology and Geomorphology. Our lab methods range from standard procedures of soil analysis to C sequestration and palaeopedological approaches using geochemical and micromorphological techniques. Our toolbox in digital soil mapping comprehends the very latest pedometrical methodologies and data mining techniques like deep learning, convolutional neural networks, vector quantization, feature selection and geostatistical techniques. Interdisciplinary research and teaching is well established between soil scientists, geographers, ecologists, geologists and archaeologists. Similarly, a strong cooperative and coordinated research approach is followed as shown by a large diversity of research projects, majority supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany
Hamburg, Germany
Wageningen, Netherlands
Peking, China
Peking, China
Peking, China
La Serena, Chile
Dresden, Sachsen, Germany
Santiago, Chile
Peking, China