Prof. Dr. Friedrich Götz
Education and professional experience
1968 - 1973 Study of Biology and Chemistry at the University München (LMU)
1974 - 1978 Doctoral Thesis at LMU München, under Prof. Dr. K.H. Schleifer at the Department of Microbiology
1978 Received PhD
1985 Habilitation at the TU München on: "Development of a Host-Vector system in staphylococci"
1987 - 2015 Appointed professor for the chair "Microbial Genetics" at the University Tübingen
2015 - Endowed Senior-Professorship
Awards / Honors
1979/81 EMBO long term fellowship, Biomedical Center, Uppsala
1989 DECHEMA award 1988 for developing a new cloning system in Staphylococcus carnosus
1991 DGHM award 1990 for scientific work in microbial genetics
1994 Offered Chair in Microbiology at University Göttingen (Succession of Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Günter Schlegel)
2003 – 2009 President and Vice president of the VAAM (association of general and applied microbiology)
2009 DGHM Lecturer Award: as a DGHM Lecturer, internationally renowned colleagues in the fields of infection research, immunology or hygiene are honored
Since 2011 Member of: European Academy of Microbiology (EAM)
Project Management, editorial work and consultant
2001 - 2010 Speaker of Graduate college 685 (DFG): Infection biology: human- and plant pathogenic bacteria and fungi
2006 - 2013 Coordinator of the Tübingen Group of Transregio SFB Greifswald Tübingen-Würzburg-Münster (TR34)
2000 – 2004 / 2008 - 2012 Member of DFG Panel 204 "Microbiology, Virology, and Immunology"
2009 Co-founder of IMIT (Interfaculty Institute for Microbiology and Infection-medicine Tübingen). This is the association of the former separated microbiological institutes at the Sience Faculty and the Medical Microbiology and Clinical Infectiology and Immunology. IMIT is German-wide the first institute of this kind. It comprises 7 Full Professorships and several Assistant Professorships.
2018 Member of the Cluster of Excellence CMFI (Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections)
Editorial boards
Molecular Microbiology, Medical Microbiology and Immunology, MicrobiologyOpen, microLife
Associate Editor: Emerging Microbes and Infections (EMI), Frontiers in Microbiology (Physiology and Metabolism section)
of many international conferences and Consultant for national and international research institutions
Research topics
Microbial Metabolism and communication with the host: Interaction of bacteria with the immune and nervous system of mammals; new active substances and their mode of action.
Publications: > 380 peer reviewed publications Citation indices All Since 2016
Citations 34500 11125
h-index 97 57
i10-index 302 217 (no. of citations with at least 10 citation)
Alumni researchers in academia
Prof. Dr. Ralph Bertram, Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität Klinikum Nürnberg Medical School, Nürnberg, Germany
Prof. Raja Biswas, Center for Nanoscience and Molecular Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Kerala, India
Prof. Lalitha Biswas, Molecular Biology Laboratory, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Kerala, India
Prof. Chih-Jung Chen, Department of Pediatric, Chang Gung Children’s Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Prof. Jiří Doškař, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Prof. Qiang Gao, College of Biotechnology, Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin, China
PD Christine Heilmann, Inst Med Mikrobiol, Univ Klinik Münster, Germany
Prof. Wolfgang Liebl, Technical University München, Germany
Prof. Per-Eric Lindgren, Div. Microbiology and Infection, Linköping University, Sweden
Dr. Minh Thu Nguyen, Inst Med Mikrobiol, Univ Klinik Münster, Germany
Dr. Michael Otto, Director, Pathogen Molecular Genetics Section, NIH, Washington D.C. USA
Prof. Andreas Peschel, Infection Biology Department, University Tübingen, Germany
Prof. Waldemar Vollmer, Bacterial Biochemistry, Newcastle University, UK
Ass. Prof. Wenqi Yu, Department of Cell Biology, Microbiology and Molecular Biology (CMMB), University of South Florida