PortfolioHugo Reinhardt
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Research focus
In the research group, we are currently studying mainly three approaches to QCD and Yang-Mills theory in Coulomb gauge: the canonical approach, the lattice formulation and the functional formalism. The canonical approach is based on studying the Hamiltonian operator and the state space theory. The lattice formulation discretises spacetime (forming a "lattice" of spacetime points as opposed to the continuous spacetime) and uses computing power to directly compute quantities of interest. The functional formalism considers the equations of motion for the Green´s functions of the theory (the Dyson-Schwinger equations). All these approaches have their strengths and weaknesses: comparing what is straightforward in one approach, we can learn about what is not obvious in another. One other point of interest for Yang-Mills theory in Coulomb gauge is the fact that in 1+1 dimentions (one space and one time direction), the theory can be solved analytically and provides an ideal testing ground for techniques used in the 3+1 dimentional world.
Plymouth, United Kingdom
Bratislava, Slovakia
Graz, Steiermark, Austria
Bloomington, Indiana, United States
Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico