PortfolioMartin Maier

Person data

Academic title:
Prof. Dr.
Martin Maier
Organizational units:
Faculty of Science
University of Tübingen
Institute of Organic Chemistry
Department of Chemistry

Contact data

Research focus

Molecular Design

The study of the molecular interactions between biologically active natural products (cf. antitumor compounds, immunomodulators, enzyme inhibitors) and the corresponding cellular receptors is of great importance from a biological as well as medicinal point of view. A prerequisite for such studies are, besides the natural products themselves, appropriate analogs which however, have to be prepared by chemical synthesis. Therefore, an important research topic of our group is the rational design and the synthesis of modified analogs of natural products. In the case of synthetic projects that are derived from natural products, aspects such as topology, stereochemistry and reactivity have to be considered.


Current Projects:

Parallel synthesis of cyclic depsipeptides

Scaffolds for combinatorial synthesis

Synthesis of biological active compounds using natural strategies

Natural product synthesis - synthesis of macrolactones


22/12/2005 (sold)
Anton Khartulyari, Martin Maier
Hagen-Heinrich Hennies, Stefan Oberbörsch, Stefan Schunk


2019 - 2023
Heike Brötz-Oesterhelt
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V. (DFG)


Sapienza - Università di Roma
Rom, Italy



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