ProjectCOLD – Competencies of school teachers and adult educators in teaching German as a second language in…
Basic data
Competencies of school teachers and adult educators in teaching German as a second language in linguistically diverse classrooms
01/04/2019 to 31/03/2022
Abstract / short description:
The project aims at investigating and comparing the professional competencies of German as a second language teachers in schools and institutions of adult education focusing on their theoretical and practical knowledge, their professional vision, their abilities of self- assessment and their professional attidtudes. Teachers' use of language will be assessed based on videotaped lessons combining innovative approaches from computational linguistics such as algorithms for analyzing the complexity of oral language with proven methods such as discourse analysis. In order to assess their professional vision, theoretical knowledge and attitudes, teachers will be asked to evaluate videotaped real-life teaching samples and to answer standardized questionaires and interview questions.
Involved staff
Institute of Linguistics (SfS)
Department of Modern Languages, Faculty of Humanities
Department of Modern Languages, Faculty of Humanities
CRC 833 - Construction of Meaning: The Dynamics and Adaptivity of Linguistic Structures
Collaborative research centers and transregios
Collaborative research centers and transregios
LEAD Graduate School & Research Network
Central cross-faculty facilities
Central cross-faculty facilities
Contact persons
Weiß, Zarah Leonie
Institute of Linguistics (SfS)
Department of Modern Languages, Faculty of Humanities
Department of Modern Languages, Faculty of Humanities
Local organizational units
Institute of Linguistics (SfS)
Department of Modern Languages
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Humanities
Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany