ProjectFunctIntegrator – Functional architecture of the neural integrator for horizontal eye movements in larval zebrafish
Basic data
Functional architecture of the neural integrator for horizontal eye movements in larval zebrafish
15/10/2015 to 14/10/2018
Abstract / short description:
In the neural integrator for horizontal eye movements, persistently active neurons maintain the eye position after a quick eye movement (saccade). Persistent activity is a fundamental property of the brain and network models suggest that it is generated by recurrent connections within the integrator. Larval zebrafish are suitable for population recording of activity at cellular resolution via calcium imaging. We propose to investigate the architecture of the integrator in the larval hindbrain using calcium imaging. First, we will create an anatomical map of the integrator and other brain regions in the hindbrain. Second, we will describe the tuning of individual neurons and the whole integrator population to understand how the eye position is encoded. Third, we will investigate the hierarchical structure within the integrator via single cell electroporations and functional connectivity mapping. We aim to identify the functional architecture of the neural integrator for horizontal eye movements and thereby understand how persistent activity is generated.
Okulomotorisches System
Calcium Imaging
Neuraler Integrator
Involved staff
Faculty of Science
University of Tübingen
University of Tübingen
Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
Werner Reichardt Center for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN)
Centers or interfaculty scientific institutions
Centers or interfaculty scientific institutions
Contact persons
Faculty of Science
University of Tübingen
University of Tübingen
Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
Werner Reichardt Center for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN)
Centers or interfaculty scientific institutions
Centers or interfaculty scientific institutions
Local organizational units
Institute of Neurobiology
Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany