ProjectBioökonomie in BW – Indikatoren Biomassenutzung Baden-Württemberg – Schlüsselindikatoren für eine Bewertung von…
Basic data
Bioökonomie in BW
Indikatoren Biomassenutzung Baden-Württemberg – Schlüsselindikatoren für eine Bewertung von integrierten Biomassenutzungspfaden für BW auf dem Weg zu einer Bioökonomie und im Spannungsfeld begrenzter Potenziale und zunehmender Anforderungen
01/07/2014 to 30/06/2017
Abstract / short description:
The central idea of bioeconomy is the increased utilisation of renewable resources and biogenic residues in material and energetic utilisation paths (BMBF 2010). However, the potential of available biomass in Baden-Württemberg (BW) is limited and for the most part already in use. Nonetheless, more and more industrial branches realize the benefit they can derive from biomass. Through this increased utilisation and especially through the competition with food production, a social controversy and discussions of acceptance of biomass cultivation emerged. They do not only concern the ‘food or fuel’ problem and increasing (global) food prices but also aesthetic and ecological aspects of the cultural landscape, such as monocultural farming which is associated with the loss of biodiversity. This state of affairs is reason to think about a deliberate reorientation of biomass utilisation. A secured and reasonable utilisation of natural resources is to be guaranteed through innovative sets of indicators which especially consider social, ecological and ethical aspects.
In the project which is financed by the Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg, the IZEW takes on the ethical analysis and development of indicators concerning biomass utilisation.
Initially, the existing resource potential in BW will be actualised and future developments dynamised, important utilisation paths will be analysed and integratively evaluated with due regard to competitions in the usage and cascading utilisations.
The research programme Bioeconomy Baden-Württemberg is supported by Baden-Württemberg’s Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts and financed by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung. Project partners are the University of Stuttgart, Department of “System Analysis and Renewable Energies”, and the International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities.
In the project which is financed by the Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg, the IZEW takes on the ethical analysis and development of indicators concerning biomass utilisation.
Initially, the existing resource potential in BW will be actualised and future developments dynamised, important utilisation paths will be analysed and integratively evaluated with due regard to competitions in the usage and cascading utilisations.
The research programme Bioeconomy Baden-Württemberg is supported by Baden-Württemberg’s Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts and financed by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung. Project partners are the University of Stuttgart, Department of “System Analysis and Renewable Energies”, and the International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities.
Involved staff
Department of Biology
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)
Central cross-faculty facilities
Central cross-faculty facilities
Contact persons
Kröber, Birgit
International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)
Central cross-faculty facilities
Central cross-faculty facilities
Local organizational units
International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)
Central cross-faculty facilities
University of Tübingen
University of Tübingen
Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany