ProjectQQM – Erklärung der Kompetenzentwicklung im Fach Geschichte mithilfe von Indikatoren zur Quantität und Qualität…

Basic data

Erklärung der Kompetenzentwicklung im Fach Geschichte mithilfe von Indikatoren zur Quantität und Qualität der Nutzung eines elektronischen Schulbuchs
01/09/2015 to 31/08/2017
Abstract / short description:
Usage data of a electronic learning material (mBook) are used to explain the development of competencies.
The project is embedded in a large longitudinal study that explores the change of history education towards
competency orientation in the secondary education oft he German speaking community in Belgium.
In cooperation between computer sciences, educational psychology and didactics of history, indicators for
the quantity and quality of learning will be developed on the basis of logfile data.
Performance of students in competency- and knowledge tests will be scaled and brought to a consistent
metric scale with the aid of IRT-approaches. Indicators of quantitative and qualitative learning will be used
to explain the development of competencies in the time span of a school year.
competency development
Fach Geschichte
use indicators
elektronisches Schulbuch

Involved staff


Hector Institute of Education Science
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Local organizational units

Hector Institute of Education Science
Department of Social Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences


Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

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