ProjektEpileptogenese von genetischen Epilepsien, TP Z3 "Koordinierungsprojekt"


Epileptogenese von genetischen Epilepsien, TP Z3 "Koordinierungsprojekt"
01.01.2022 bis 31.12.2025
Abstract / Kurz- beschreibung:
Coordination Project:
The goal of our Research Unit (RU) can only be achieved by intense and well coordinated collaboration between all projects and locations, requiring yearly meetings of the whole RU, additional specialized meetings and foused workshops, coordinated teaching activities and a scientific exchange program. In addition, we will continue our established video conferences for regular updates of collaborating groups every 1-3 months, such as between genetic projects, transcriptomics, and groups working on the same mouse lines or performing similar techniques.
Education and exchange. The training of young scientists is of utmost importance for a sustained success of our scientific program. All sites provide structured programs in which we have embedded specialized courses with credit points teaching specific relevant aspects for our research.
Dissemination and outreach activities. We will use presentations and organize symposia at established scientific meetings for dissemination and exploitation of scientific results. Established press channels, such as our communication units at the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research will be used for dissemination to the specialized medical press and the lay public. On the official blog of the ILAE Genetics Commission (, established by IH and RK, major findings of the field are reported.

Beteiligte Mitarbeiter/innen


Neurologische Universitätsklinik
Kliniken und klinische Institute, Medizinische Fakultät

Weitere Mitarbeiter/innen

Neurologische Universitätsklinik
Kliniken und klinische Institute, Medizinische Fakultät

Lokale Einrichtungen

Abteilung Neurologie mit Schwerpunkt Epileptologie
Neurologische Universitätsklinik
Kliniken und klinische Institute, Medizinische Fakultät


Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland

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