ProjectWIKO-ALE – Investigating and Supporting Economic Competence with Adaptive Learning

Basic data

Investigating and Supporting Economic Competence with Adaptive Learning
01/07/2022 to 30/06/2025
Abstract / short description:
A recurring result of many achievement tests in the economic domain is the gender-specific difference in favor of male test persons. The causes of this "gender gap" have neither been adequately researched nor are they addressed in curricula. Assuming that economic education also influences the quality of economic decisions, it is necessary - for reasons of equal opportunities - , to a) search for the causes of the gender gap and then b) make curricular adjustments that promise to level out the differences. To this end, the first step will be to conduct a large-scale and representative survey of the learners’ economic competence in Baden-Württemberg. Based on the results of this survey, an adaptive learning environment will be developed in a second step, which could contribute to a levelling of the gender gap by surveying the interests of the students and providing teaching materials tailored to them. The starting point of adaptive learning is the student heterogeneity in the classroom, which is shown along other dimensions besides gender (e.g., socio-economic background, linguistic abilities, different motivations). With the help of adaptive forms of learning, the aim is to actively react to a comprehensive and complex understanding of heterogeneity.
adaptives Lernen
ökonomische Kompetenz

Involved staff


Department of Economics
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
LEAD Graduate School & Research Network
Central cross-faculty facilities
Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)
Central cross-faculty facilities
Oberrauch, Luis
Department of Economics
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Local organizational units

Department of Economics
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
University of Tübingen


Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

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