ProjectPrekäre Provenienz - Menschliche Überreste aus dem kolonialen Erbe Afrikas vor 1919 in wissenschaftlichen…

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Prekäre Provenienz - Menschliche Überreste aus dem kolonialen Erbe Afrikas vor 1919 in wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen Baden-Württembergs
01/09/2021 to 31/08/2022
Abstract / short description:
In this collaborative project, we are researching human remains from collections in Baden-Württemberg that probably date back to before 1919 and originate from Africa. According to initial estimates, about 129 human remains are concerned, but as there ist often little information available, the exact number cannot yet be given. The aim of the cooperate project is to determine the origin and clarify the routes of origin of human remains now in collections in Baden-Württemberg as a basis for repatriation to the respective source community. Historical data will be collected, especially in the area of network research, which will be made available for further investigations. The potential for knowledge transfer resulting from the historically existing connection of south-west German scientific institutions is also to be utilised.

Involved staff


Department of Ancient Studies and Art History
Faculty of Humanities
University of Tübingen Museum (MUT)
Central cross-faculty facilities
Institute of Art History (KHI)
Department of Ancient Studies and Art History, Faculty of Humanities
University of Tübingen Museum (MUT)
Central cross-faculty facilities

Contact persons

Rathmann, Hannes
Institute of Archaeological Sciences Research Areas (UFG)
Department of Geoscience, Faculty of Science

Local organizational units

University of Tübingen Museum (MUT)
Central cross-faculty facilities
University of Tübingen


Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany

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