ProjectZUSE – Zusammenhalt durch Sicherheit? Diskurse, Interaktionen und Praktiken des europäischen Zusammenhaltes im…
Basic data
Zusammenhalt durch Sicherheit? Diskurse, Interaktionen und Praktiken des europäischen Zusammenhaltes im Feld Sicherheit
01/01/2021 to 31/12/2023
Abstract / short description:
ZUSE investigates how security as a guiding idea for the organisation of European cohesion develops within public discourses, how this translates into concrete interactions and practices at different levels, and what effects this has on politics and society. This sub-project of ZUSE examines how security is represented within official discourses at the European level and which ideas and concepts of cohesion in Europe are central in such representations. On the one hand, it analyses how the term "security" is filled with meaning in the respective articulations and set in relation to cohesion and identity within the EU. On the other hand, it examines which threats are presented as a security problem without necessarily making explicit reference to security, how the identity of a reference object is constructed, and whether and how certain actors inside or outside the EU are presented as a "negative other". In order to trace changes and shifts in these dynamic concepts since the end of the Cold War, the work package covers the period 1990-2020. The meta-narratives found in the discourse will also be used to identify the contextual conditions for the success or failure of security representations and will be validated by means of a parallel newspaper analysis and interviews with the speakers or actors from their circle. In particular, we analyse whether individual representations originally came from the administrative or societal level or whether the political actors as "discursive entrepreneurs" were able to decisively shape the broader debate.
European Union
Europäische Union
social cohesion
sozialer Zusammenhalt
Involved staff
Institute of Political Science
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Local organizational units
Institute of Political Science
Department of Social Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany