ProjectInternationale wissenschaftliche Veranstaltung: "Die Rationalität und Rhetorik der Predigt Homiletische…

Basic data

Internationale wissenschaftliche Veranstaltung: "Die Rationalität und Rhetorik der Predigt Homiletische Herausforderungen in der Gegenwart", Tübingen
06/05/2021 to 08/05/2021
Abstract / short description:
The Rationality and Rhetoric of Preaching Current Homiletical Challenges

Involved staff


Protestant Seminary
Faculty of Protestant Theology
Protestant Preaching School
Faculty of Protestant Theology

Contact persons

Protestant Seminary
Faculty of Protestant Theology
Stetter, Manuel
Protestant Seminary
Faculty of Protestant Theology
Protestant Seminary
Faculty of Protestant Theology

Local organizational units

Protestant Preaching School
Faculty of Protestant Theology
University of Tübingen


Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

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