ProjectCREMLINT – Collaboration with NICA

Basic data

Collaboration with NICA
01/02/2020 to 31/01/2024
Abstract / short description:
Integration, installation, and test of Silicon trackers for NICA and CBM (FAIR, JINR, EKUT) M1-M48
Both the BM@N experiment at JINR and the CBM experiment at FAIR will be equipped by tracking detector systems based on double-sided micro-strip Silicon sensors, which are being developed by groups from JINR and from the international CBM Collaboration. In recent years the focus of the joint activities was on R&D of the various components including the sensors, ultra-thin micro cables, ASICs, front-end boards, read-out chain, ultra-light support structures, cooling system and HV/LV supplies. The task within this work package is to assemble, to install, and to commission the complete detector systems for BM@N and CBM. This task will be executed by expert teams from JINR Dubna, FAIR/GSI Darmstadt, and University of Tübingen (EKUT).
The BM@N detector system comprises 4 tracking stations with a total of 252 detector modules, i.e. units of silicon microstrip sensors, microcables and front-end electronics, mounted on 40 carbon fiber support structures (ladders). The integration work will include the mounting of ladders onto 18 mechanical frames, their installation in a thermally insulating enclosure, the connection of the sensors to data-combining electronics and power distribution boards, the electrical and optical cabling, the installation of cooling infrastructure for electronics and sensors, as well as their interfaces to external supplies and services.
The CBM-Silicon Tracking System (STS) will comprise 8 tracking stations with 896 detector modules assembled onto 90 ladders with the same components as the BM@N-STS. System integration of the components will be done from 2020-2023. The assembly and commissioning work will be finished by mid 2024. The detector will be installed in the CBM dipole magnet in 2024 and commissioned there until first beam delivery by FAIR SIS-100 takes place.

Involved staff


Faculty of Science
University of Tübingen
Institute of Physics (PIT)
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science

Local organizational units

Institute of Physics (PIT)
Department of Physics
Faculty of Science


Brüssel, Belgium

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