ProjectLogik bei Sextus im Kontext: Methoden der Logik und Skepsis in der Kaiserzeit
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Logik bei Sextus im Kontext: Methoden der Logik und Skepsis in der Kaiserzeit
12/06/2020 to 14/06/2020
Abstract / short description:
Sextus Empiricus' two discussions of logic (Book II of his Outlines of Pyrrhonism and in the two books of his Against the Logicians) are among the most significant sources for logic, broadly construed, in the Graeco-Roman world between Aristotle and Late Antiquity. Up to now, scholarly literature on Sextus Empiricus has considered these texts almost exclusively as sources for the theories of Sextus' dogmatic interlocutors, most notably Stoics and Epicureans, or as providing additional information relevant for the general interpretation of the Pyrrhonian sceptical position. The main goal of the conference is to remedy this situation by taking a fresh look at the relevant texts, treating them on their own terms, and examining their potential contributions to logical theory as such.
late antiquity
Involved staff
Vlasits, Justin
Institute of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Contact persons
Institute of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Zinke, Alexandra
Institute of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Hasper, Pieter Sjoerd
Institute of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Local organizational units
Institute of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy and Media
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Humanities
Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany