ProjektContact, variation and change in Romance-based creole languages
Contact, variation and change in Romance-based creole languages
24.06.2019 bis 27.06.2019
Abstract / Kurz- beschreibung:
The conference’s purpose is to shed some more light on a rather neglected topic in creole studies: language change in the context of diasystematic variation and language contact. The range of languages analyzed in the scope of the conference is limited to Romance-based creole languages. Altogether the following research questions are pursued in the conference:
- Which (recent) language change phenomena can be detected in the relevant creole languages? Have they been motivated internally or externally? Are there cases of shared grammaticalization in the cross-linguistic creole perpective?
- Which language contact scenarios can be observed and which are the linguistic results? In this context, contact-induced grammaticalization and replication are of outmost interest.
- Which kinds of diasystematic variation can be detected? What are the reasons and the function of those?
- Which (recent) language change phenomena can be detected in the relevant creole languages? Have they been motivated internally or externally? Are there cases of shared grammaticalization in the cross-linguistic creole perpective?
- Which language contact scenarios can be observed and which are the linguistic results? In this context, contact-induced grammaticalization and replication are of outmost interest.
- Which kinds of diasystematic variation can be detected? What are the reasons and the function of those?
Kreolsprachen Sprachkontakt Sprachwandel Variation Grammatikalisierung
Beteiligte Mitarbeiter/innen
Romanisches Seminar
Fachbereich Neuphilologie, Philosophische Fakultät
Fachbereich Neuphilologie, Philosophische Fakultät
Lokale Einrichtungen
Romanisches Seminar
Fachbereich Neuphilologie
Philosophische Fakultät
Philosophische Fakultät
Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschland