ProjectKognitive Kontrolle von Vokalisationen bei Rabenvögeln

Basic data

Kognitive Kontrolle von Vokalisationen bei Rabenvögeln
01/10/2018 to 01/10/2021
Abstract / short description:
Avian vocalisations are one of the most extravagant communicative signals in the animal kingdom. The elaborate and often plastic vocalisations of songbirds in particular, which are learned by vocal imitation of conspecifics, require highly controlled execution of complex motor programmes. However, as of yet, relatively little is known about whether songbirds can cognitively control their vocalisations. More specifically, we do not know whether or not they can volitionally emit or withhold vocalisations, as opposed to only vocalise reflexively and in response to specific hedonic cues, such as food or predators. In a set of three studies, I propose to explore this question by training carrion crows, a species of songbird known for their sophisticated behavioural repertoire, to vocalise in response to arbitrary learned cues, and to withhold vocalisations to other cues.
Carrion crow

Involved staff


Brecht, Katharina
Institute of Neurobiology
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science

Contact persons

Faculty of Science
University of Tübingen
Institute of Neurobiology
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science

Local organizational units

Institute of Neurobiology
Department of Biology
Faculty of Science


Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

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