ProjectAndenplateau – Tectonic, Climate, and Erosional Controls on Andean Plateau Incision and Width, South Peru

Basic data

Tectonic, Climate, and Erosional Controls on Andean Plateau Incision and Width, South Peru
01/04/2018 to 01/04/2021
Abstract / short description:
Modeling and observational studies have led to the hypothesis that climate-induced
erosion influences the width and locus of deformation in orogens and shapes orogen
topography. However, previous studies are not unambiguous and current progress is hampered
by the need for clear, multidisciplinary field observations. This proposal focuses on the climate
controls on plateau margin incision and width of large orogenic plateaus. More specifically, the
two components of this research include 1) quantifying the climate and paleoclimate controls on
observed spatially extensive and high-magnitude canyon incision in the eastern margin of the
Central Andean Plateau (Peru and Bolivia), and 2) potential climate controls on large (~200 km)
variations in plateau width in South Peru. I propose to do this through an integration of
fieldwork, low-temperature thermochronology, balanced cross-sections, and thermo-kinematic
modeling. These new observations will be interpreted in the context of tectonic shortening and
existing atmospheric general circulation paleoclimate models. This proposal entails a strong
international collaboration with leading US and Peruvian scientists in Andean tectonics and
surface processes, assuring project success.

Involved staff


Falkowski, Sarah
Mineralogy and Geodynamics Research Area
Department of Geoscience, Faculty of Science
Ehlers, Todd
Mineralogy and Geodynamics Research Area
Department of Geoscience, Faculty of Science

Contact persons

Mineralogy and Geodynamics Research Area
Department of Geoscience, Faculty of Science
Department of Geoscience
Faculty of Science

Local organizational units

Mineralogy and Geodynamics Research Area
Department of Geoscience
Faculty of Science


Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

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