ProjectEthOPE – Ethische Aspekte der Prävention von Adipositas in Europa. Ein Vergleich der Situation in West- und…

Basic data

Ethische Aspekte der Prävention von Adipositas in Europa. Ein Vergleich der Situation in West- und Osteuropa anhand ausgewählter Länder.
01/03/2017 to 30/06/2018
Abstract / short description:
The goal of the proposed project is the submission of an EU-proposal for a subsequent project. The subsequent project will aim at designing a tool for the systematic ethical evaluation of interventions to prevent obesity all over Europe. The currently proposed project will create the scientific basis for the subsequent project and establish and consolidate the necessary cooperation with partners from Eastern Europe.
First, interventions for preventing obesity from Eastern and Western Europe will be compared from an ethical perspective. Suiting interventions and guidelines will be searched and their ethically relevant aspects and implications will be analyzed. Emphasis will be put on attribution of responsibility and on childhood obesity. Building on this we will investigate whether existing tools – which are based on Western European interventions – are capable of properly detecting ethical problems in Eastern Europe as well. A workshop with the members of the consortium and renowned experts especially from Eastern Europe will give the occasion to compare and discuss the results of this research. With the results from the workshop the subsequent project will be drafted and a proposal will be written and submitted. The results of the project will be published in an English article.

Involved staff


Institute of Ethics and History of Medicine
Non-clinical institutes, Faculty of Medicine

Contact persons

Faculty of Medicine
University of Tübingen
Institute of Ethics and History of Medicine
Non-clinical institutes, Faculty of Medicine
Rheinsberg, Zoe Katharina
Institute of Ethics and History of Medicine
Non-clinical institutes, Faculty of Medicine

Local organizational units

Institute of Ethics and History of Medicine
Non-clinical institutes
Faculty of Medicine


Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

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