ProjectErforschung der Provenienz einer Originalurkunde Peters I. mit dem Ziel der Rückführung
Basic data
Erforschung der Provenienz einer Originalurkunde Peters I. mit dem Ziel der Rückführung
01/07/2016 to 30/11/2016
Abstract / short description:
Research on the provenance of the original charter of Peter I confirming the investiture of Joasaf Krokovskij as metropolitan of Kiev in 1709, with the aim to restitute the charter.
Involved staff
Institute for Eastern European History and Area Studies
Department of History, Faculty of Humanities
Department of History, Faculty of Humanities
CRC 923 - Threatened Orders
Collaborative research centers and transregios
Collaborative research centers and transregios
Institute for Eastern European History and Area Studies
Department of History, Faculty of Humanities
Department of History, Faculty of Humanities
Contact persons
Institute for Eastern European History and Area Studies
Department of History, Faculty of Humanities
Department of History, Faculty of Humanities
Local organizational units
Institute for Eastern European History and Area Studies
Department of History
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Humanities
Berlin, Germany