Project Internationale Projekt- und Kooperationsplanung: Dynamik und Beeinflussbarkeit von Selbstregulation und…

Basic data

Internationale Projekt- und Kooperationsplanung: Dynamik und Beeinflussbarkeit von Selbstregulation und exekutiven Funktionen bei Kindern mit Risiko für Schulschwierigkeiten
15/05/2016 to 21/05/2016
Abstract / short description:
The aim of the planned five-day trip to New York, USA, is to establish an intensive research cooperation with Prof. Clancy Blair (Neuroscience & Education Lab, Steinhardt School, New York University, USA) targeting the research projects that investigate the development of self-regulation and executive functions as well as the effectiveness of self-regulation interventions carried out in the School Psychology Unit at the University of Tübingen. Specifically, we aim at initiating a close cooperation with C. Blair in the context of the DFG-funded project ‘Adaptive Dynamics of Cognitive and Behavioral Variability in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Long-Term Effects, Neural Bases, and Susceptibility to Intervention’ (GA 1277/9-1; Investigators: C. Gawrilow, C. Fiebach). C. Blair is a leading expert in the field of (computerized) assessment of self-regulation and executive functions across child development. Furthermore, C. Blair possesses unique expertise regarding the implementation of self-regulation interventions in large samples of children at risk for school failure. With regard to the project GA 1277/9-1 we particularly aim at discussing details concerning the implementation of the planned self-regulation intervention. Building on C. Blairs profound knowledge concerning the development of self-regulation and executive functions in early childhood, we will plan a joint longitudinal research project to investigate dynamics of and interventions on self-regulation and executive functions in children three to eight years of age who are at risk for school failure. In addition we aim at establishing a fruitful long-term cooperation and exchange with C. Blair for the LEAD Graduate School in Tübingen.
Exekutive Funktionen

Involved staff


Faculty of Science
University of Tübingen
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Science

Contact persons

Department of Psychology
Faculty of Science

Local organizational units

Department of Psychology
Faculty of Science
University of Tübingen
LEAD Graduate School & Research Network
Central cross-faculty facilities
University of Tübingen


Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

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