ProjectHertz FoSPT – Paul Hertz and his Foundation of Structural Proof Theory
Basic data
Hertz FoSPT
Paul Hertz and his Foundation of Structural Proof Theory
01/01/2016 to 31/12/2018
Abstract / short description:
The project has the overall aim of demonstrating the influence that the fundamental tenets underlying Paul Hertz' sentence calculus (as established in publications between 1922 and 1929) have on proof theory. The first phase of the project aims to elaborate in detail the historical significance of Hertz' contributions, specifically their role in the development of the sequent calculus. In the second phase of the project the striking correspondences between Hertz' original tenets and the paradigms of several current schools in structural proof theory will be presented and discussed.
sequent calculus
sentence systems
structural reasoning
Involved staff
Arndt, Michael
Wilhelm Schickard Institute of Computer Science (WSI)
Department of Informatics, Faculty of Science
Department of Informatics, Faculty of Science
Contact persons
Faculty of Science
University of Tübingen
University of Tübingen
Wilhelm Schickard Institute of Computer Science (WSI)
Department of Informatics, Faculty of Science
Department of Informatics, Faculty of Science
Local organizational units
Wilhelm Schickard Institute of Computer Science (WSI)
Department of Informatics
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany