ProjectSFB 833, Projekt B1 – Incrementality in Semantic Processing

Basic data

SFB 833, Projekt B1
Incrementality in Semantic Processing
01/07/2009 to 30/06/2021
Abstract / short description:
The project investigates the incremental composition of meaning. More specifically, we investigate context dependency and crosslinguistic variation as two potential triggers of variability in semantic processing strategies. Our empirical focus is the domain restriction of nominal and temporal quantifiers as well as related parameters of crosslinguistic variation. The dependent variables in our studies are electrophysiological and behavioral measures. The languages under investigation include German, English, Russian, Turkish and Samoan. Our results will inform a theory of the adaptivity and dynamics of on-line sentence comprehension.

Involved staff


Faculty of Science
University of Tübingen
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Science
Research training group: Statistical Modeling in Psychology (SMiP)
Research training groups
Hohaus, Vera
Institute of English Languages and Literatures
Department of Modern Languages, Faculty of Humanities
CRC 833 - Construction of Meaning: The Dynamics and Adaptivity of Linguistic Structures
Collaborative research centers and transregios
Institute of German Language and Literature
Department of Modern Languages, Faculty of Humanities
CRC 833 - Construction of Meaning: The Dynamics and Adaptivity of Linguistic Structures
Collaborative research centers and transregios
Research training group: Ambiguity – Production and Reception
Research training groups

Contact persons

CRC 833 - Construction of Meaning: The Dynamics and Adaptivity of Linguistic Structures
Collaborative research centers and transregios
Faculty of Medicine
University of Tübingen
CRC 833 - Construction of Meaning: The Dynamics and Adaptivity of Linguistic Structures
Collaborative research centers and transregios

Other staff

CRC 833 - Construction of Meaning: The Dynamics and Adaptivity of Linguistic Structures
Collaborative research centers and transregios
Armenante, Giuliano
CRC 833 - Construction of Meaning: The Dynamics and Adaptivity of Linguistic Structures
Collaborative research centers and transregios

Local organizational units

CRC 833 - Construction of Meaning: The Dynamics and Adaptivity of Linguistic Structures †
Collaborative research centers and transregios
University of Tübingen
Institute of Linguistics (SfS)
Department of Modern Languages
Faculty of Humanities


Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

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