ProjectBEFIM – Bedeutungen und Funktionen mediterraner Importe im früheisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa

Basic data

Bedeutungen und Funktionen mediterraner Importe im früheisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa
01/03/2015 to 28/02/2018
Abstract / short description:
The rich collection of imports from the Mediterranean (mostly feasting dishes) found in the early Celtic ‘princely sites’ (7th-5th cent. BC) in Southwestern Germany, Switzerland and Eastern France have long been in the focus of archaeological and public interest. Feasting played a major role in early Celtic life, and imports were consequently interpreted as the attempt of the elite to imitate Mediterranean wine feasting. The function and meaning of the imported vessels was considered to be a transcultural constant, thus neglecting the transformative potential of intercultural encounter. Yet an early study on residues detected animal fat in a Greek wine mixing vessel, and honey mead instead of wine in imported bronze vessels. BEFIM takes this evidence as a starting point, and attempts to revise the current narrative. We aim to conduct a comprehensive contextual and scientific analysis on imported Mediterranean pottery and bronzes found in Early Celtic sites, using local pottery as a cross-check. Organic Residue Analysis (ORA) and use wear analysis, in conjunction with archaeological evaluation, will inform on whether foreign and local vessels had similar purposes showing that the function of the imports was reinterpreted and integrated into local practices, or if contact with the foreign objects and practices led to a transformation of Celtic feasting practices, and the appropriation of wine consumption. Combining ORA and use wear analysis will also enable us to identify object biographies and the complex human-thing-entanglements, which have to be re-conceptualized after the “Practice Turn” in the humanities.
Organische Rückstände
Fermented Products
Keltische Importe
gas chromatography
mass spectrometry

Involved staff


Institute of Prehistory and Medieval Archaeology (UFG)
Department of Ancient Studies and Art History, Faculty of Humanities

Local organizational units

Institute of Prehistory and Medieval Archaeology (UFG)
Department of Ancient Studies and Art History
Faculty of Humanities


Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

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