ProjectSECTOR – Secure European Common Information Space For The Interoperability of First Responders and Police…

Basic data

Secure European Common Information Space For The Interoperability of First Responders and Police Authorities
01/07/2014 to 30/06/2017
Abstract / short description:
The management of crisis is one of the great challenges of the 21st century. The ever growing human, economic and environmental losses due to natural and man-made disasters evidence the need for a systematic approach to the management of crisis. A multi-disciplinary understanding and disaster risk management is required. In such situations, Collaborative Crisis Management (CCM) is usually coordinated by local authorities or dedicated civil protection organisations, supported by a variety of different national and international crisis management organisations, all acting relatively autonomously. The process is typically coordinated through periodic physical meetings of the involved organisations, in which information is shared about the situation, priorities are set and responsibilities allocated. Follow-up and execution of tasks is managed by each individual organisation, typically supported by a range of not interoperable information management tools, depending on the level of informatisation of the local or national crisis management systems.

SECTOR aims at establishing the foundations of future Common CCM Information Spaces by expanding the European scientific knowledge base on (cross-border) multi-agency CCM processes and the complications these imply when aiming at setting-up and design cross-border supporting information Systems.

Involved staff


International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)
Central cross-faculty facilities

Local organizational units

International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)
Central cross-faculty facilities
University of Tübingen


Brüssel, Belgium

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