ProjectFlexsmell Gas Sensors on Flexible Substrates for Wireless Applications

Basic data

Flexsmell Gas Sensors on Flexible Substrates for Wireless Applications
01/01/2010 to 31/12/2013
Abstract / short description:
The FlexSMELL concept is to realize a hybrid (organic-inorganic) very low-cost, ultra low-power
olfaction system based on bio-receptor and implemented on a flexible substrate. Such a system is to be
compatible with wireless read-out, setting the ground for the future development of smart sensing RFID tags.
The FlexSMELL technology platform will be in principle suitable for different applications with the main
ones envisaged for the in the field of logistics for the monitoring of perishable goods along their transport
and storing, though smart packaging solutions. Teaching and training strategies will be implemented to
prepare the next generation of scientists in this fast developing strategic research area. Eventually this effort
will leverage the strength of the EU in organic electronics and micro-technologies for sensing applications as
well as their integration into systems providing services to the individuals and to the community in the areas
of food control though smart packaging, but also health, environment, communication and security.
flexible Substrate
food chemistry
chemical sensors
chemische Sensoren
molecular electronics

Involved staff


Faculty of Science
University of Tübingen
Institute of Physical Chemistry (IPTC)
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science

Local organizational units

Institute of Physical Chemistry (IPTC)
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Science

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