ProjectSocial Exclusion/Social Inclusion: Challenges and Chances in a Globalised World

Basic data

Social Exclusion/Social Inclusion: Challenges and Chances in a Globalised World
10/05/2019 to 05/09/2019
Abstract / short description:
Förderung ausländischer Gastdozenten zu Lehrtätigkeiten an deutschen Hochschulen ab Sommersemester 2019

Involved staff


Cultural Anthropology Section
Department of Asian and Oriental Studies, Faculty of Humanities
CRC 923 - Threatened Orders
Collaborative research centers and transregios
CRC 1070 - ResourceCultures. Socio-cultural Dynamics in the Treatment of Resources
Collaborative research centers and transregios

Local organizational units

Cultural Anthropology Section
Department of Asian and Oriental Studies
Faculty of Humanities


Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

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