ProjectDeciphering the consequences of mast cell mediated extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling in age-related macular…

Basic data

Deciphering the consequences of mast cell mediated extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling in age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
01/08/2023 to 31/07/2026
Abstract / short description:
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a peculiarly human disease. Therefore, understanding the disease can only be achieved by studying physiologically relevant human tissue models. Commonly scientists use animal models, or study retinal cell types in isolation, neither of which represent what is really happening in a human eye. The resilience and longevity of a healthy human retina relies on the complex interactions between all the different cell types and their underlying extracellular matrix (ECM). Here, we will combine leading bioengineering expertise (Prof. Loskill) and AMD/protein biochemistry (Prof. Clark) to create a novel, multi-cellular retinal model that includes the natural underlying ECM, termed Bruch’s membrane (BrM), in a Retina-on-Chip system.

Involved staff


Center for Ophthalmology
Hospitals and clinical institutes, Faculty of Medicine

Contact persons

Department of Microphysiological systems
Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBE), Non-clinical institutes, Faculty of Medicine

Other staff

Universität Tübingen

Local organizational units

University Eye Hospital
Center for Ophthalmology
Hospitals and clinical institutes, Faculty of Medicine


Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

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