ProjectScience Notes - New Approaches to Sci Comm
Basic data
Science Notes - New Approaches to Sci Comm
01/08/2023 to 31/07/2026
Abstract / short description:
Ziel des Science Notes Projekts ist die praxisorientierte Erforschung neuer Formen der Wissenschaftskommunikation in Hinblick auf prozedurale Darstellungsformen, Narration und visueller Gestaltung. Durch eine Veranstaltungsreihe, aber auch Webcontent und den Einsatz sozialer Medien werden im Projekt aktuelle naturwissenschaftliche Forschungsthemen an die breitere Öffentlichkeit kommuniziert
science communication
Involved staff
Institute of Rhetoric
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Institute of Rhetoric
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Other staff
Institute of Rhetoric
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Institute of Rhetoric
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Institute of Rhetoric
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Institute of Rhetoric
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Department of Philosophy and Media, Faculty of Humanities
Local organizational units
Institute of Rhetoric
Department of Philosophy and Media
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Humanities
Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany