ProjectNew avenues for semi-inclusive scattering at the Electron Ion Collider

Basic data

New avenues for semi-inclusive scattering at the Electron Ion Collider
01/12/2022 to 30/11/2025
Abstract / short description:
Semi-inclusive processes form the backbone of much of the physics program at the Electron Ion Collider (EIC). They will provide crucial information on fragmentation and the hadronization mechanisms, and at the same time serve as powerful probes of hadronic structure. They also test key concepts of the theoretical analysis of QCD at high energies,
among them factorization, universality, and perturbative calculations. Given the importance of semi-inclusive
physics at the EIC, improving the precision of the theoretical description is one of the central tasks for theory. An important step toward that end is the development and application of modern event generators for lepton-hadron colliders. Building connections to the physics of parton showers is an essential ingredient for precision phenomenology at the EIC.
Monte-Carlo-Simulation, Lepton-Hadron-Collider

Involved staff


Faculty of Science
University of Tübingen
Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science

Contact persons

Faculty of Science
University of Tübingen
Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science

Local organizational units

Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)
Department of Physics
Faculty of Science


Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

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