PortfolioStephan Schwan
Person data
Academic title:
Prof. Dr.
Stephan Schwan
Organizational units:
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Science
LEAD Graduate School & Research Network
Central cross-faculty facilities
Knowledge Media Research Center (IWM)
Branch offices and other central facilities
Contact data
2017 - 2019
Ulrich Trautwein
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V. (DFG)
Chicago Zoological Society
Brookfield, Illinois, United States
Brookfield, Illinois, United States
Birkbeck, University of London
London, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom
University of Bath
Bath, United Kingdom
Bath, United Kingdom
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW)
Olten, Solothurn, Switzerland
Olten, Solothurn, Switzerland