PortfolioMonika Stefanie Schütz

Person data

Academic title:
PD Dr.
Monika Stefanie Schütz
Organizational units:
Interfaculty Institute of Microbiology and Infection Medicine (IMIT)
Interfaculty Institutes
Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene
Department of Diagnostic Laboratory Medicine

Contact data

Curriculum vitae

Monika Schütz studied Biology in Würzburg and obtained her Diploma (2000) and PhD degrees (2005) in Molecular Cell and Developmental
Biology. During this time her work was focused on chromatin remodeling by transcription factors belonging to the family of high-mobility group
proteins. After moving to Tübingen she established and managed the Laser-Capture-Microdissection Facility and soon engaged herself in
research about the strategies which render Yersinia enterocolitica an effective enteropathogen. Since 2009 she is heading her own junior
research group focusing on the multiple interactions of gastrointestinal pathogens with the host and the host microbiota during infection.
Special focus of her research is to find out how cell surface adhesins of gram negative bacteria contribute to virulence and to understand the
mechanisms underlying the insertion of these proteins into the bacterial outer membrane.




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