Preis2017 NARSAD Young Investigor Award


2017 NARSAD Young Investigor Award
The NARSAD project aims at merging brain stimulation and real-time assessment of brain oscillations to target the individual neurophysiological substrate of brain functions compromised in depression.

The project will comprise two phases: While in phase 1 (month 1-12) a first real-time BCI-TES system will be developed and tested that allows for purposeful modulation of neuromagnetic brain activity related to frontal brain functions (such as working memory, attention and response inhibition) compromised in depression, phase 2 (months 12-24) will apply this new methodology in a group of patients diagnosed with major depression (n=24). Patients will be assigned to one of three experimental groups: while group A (n=8) will learn to up- and down-regulate individual frontal brain oscillations identified to be related to frontal brain function (e.g. frontal midline theta, FMT), group B (n=8) will receive sham feedback unrelated to frontal brain oscillations. Group C will additionally receive brain-state informed TES to augment BCI-related brain plasticity. Besides continuous assessment of clinical depression scores, functional and structural plasticity related to BCI-TES application will be evaluated using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).


Medizinische Fakultät
Universität Tübingen
Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Kliniken und klinische Institute, Medizinische Fakultät


2018 - 2019
Surjo Soekadar
Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (NARSAD)

Lokale Einrichtungen

Abteilung Allgemeine Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie mit Poliklinik
Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Kliniken und klinische Institute, Medizinische Fakultät

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